
Hartwell Consulting, LLC

High Functioning Anxiety Coaching & Resilience Retreats

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I am a high functioning anxiety coach, who just happens to be a licensed clinical psychologist, so I get asked A LOT what exactly is high functioning anxiety versus the type of anxiety that lands you in your physician’s office! High functioning anxiety is typically found in those of us who are ambitious, professionals who push ourselves despite feeling anxious inside. Nobody would know as we typically look cool as a cucumber. However, inside, we worry, may have trouble sleeping, and probably just push through tough times instead of taking time out and getting support. I always say this is the step before you actually NEED to see a provider for physical symptoms or worse yet, complete burnout. I help professional women manage stress and their high functioning anxiety in ways that serve them through resilience activation with retreats and coaching. My book, Cultivating Professional Success: Even when High Functioning Anxiety Drives You to the Edge, is due to be published August 16 2023. It is specifically written as a follow up to my first book , Bad Apples: How to Feel Good Even When Rotten Things Happen. 


Q What is High Functioning Anxiety?

I am a high functioning anxiety coach so I get asked this question A LOT! High functioning anxiety is typically found in those of us who are ambitious, professionals who push ourselves despite feeling anxious inside. Nobody would know as we typically look cool as a cucumber. However, inside, we worry, may have trouble sleeping, and probably just push through tough times instead of taking time out and getting support. I always say this is the step before you actually NEED to see a provider for physical symptoms or worse yet, complete burnout. I help professional women manage stress and their high functioning anxiety in ways that serve them through resilience activation with retreats and coaching.
